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Time Tested Values

Uncommon Results


Common Sense Culture

Serving over 9,000 youth from 60 schools 

Our team educates middle and high school students in Franklin and Fairfield counties. In our 4-day program, our team covers the following topics:



  • Relationships

  • Goals & Future orientation

  • Substance abuse

  • Benefits of Marriage

  • Sexual Risk Avoidance

  • STDs & STIs

  • Teen pregnancy 

  • Decision making  

  • Character

  • Poverty avoidance

  • Media influence

  • Anatomy

The Common Sense Culture Program provides medically accurate information regarding building healthy relationships to students in Franklin and Fairfield Counties.  Franklin County is a target county and includes the state’s capital which is an urban community with a high incidence of both poverty and divorce.  Franklin County is third highest in the state of Ohio for teen pregnancies with an increase in the number of cases of Chlamydia yearly.  Our students are equipped with the information that addresses healthy relationships, goals, decision making, media influence, peer pressure, bullying, teen pregnancy, STIs, and teen dating violence


The program's educators have been trained by nationally recognized youth professionals in effective communication, sexual risk avoidance and positive youth development.  The need in these areas is great and through The Common Sense Culture Program many students are finding encouragement and being equipped to make the healthiest choices.



"I thought it was one of the greatest speaker presentations I have ever seen.  Easily the greatest 4 days I have spent in this class.  Thank you."



"They were very enthusiastic and totally relatable to the classes. The information was relevant and well needed. The student’s response toward the week was most favorable. Thank you, the presenter and your organization. We look forward to seeing you again." 



"I think it is very important for people to understand every action has a consequence and everything you do will affect your future somehow."



665 E. Dublin-Granville Rd.
Columbus, OH 43229

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (EST)




Contact Us

We will be in touch!

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